Inside Medical Malpractice
Inside Medical Malpractice
Medical Malpractice and Assisted Fertility with Lawyer Duncan Embury
In this timely and fascinating episode of Inside Medical Malpractice Toronto plaintiff’s lawyer Duncan Embury talks about the incredible challenges of litigating Florence v. Benzaquen. This case involves a 26-year-old woman who was prescribed fertility drugs in 2007, and quickly became pregnant with triplets. As often happens with multiple pregnancies, preterm labor and prematurity were a real threat. The babies, two boys and a girl, were delivered more than 3 months early, on New Year’s Day by emergency caesarean section. They have all been diagnosed with moderate to severe cerebral palsy and neurological impairment. Listen in as Duncan Embury and Chris Rokosh discuss some of the important issues in this case including, does a doctor owe a duty of care to the not-yet-conceived child, a patient who doesn’t exist? Was this young woman advised of the risks of conceiving multiples and the associated risks of preterm birth and neurological injury? And, if she had been properly advised, would she have chosen to take the drugs? This episode will leave you with much to think about and talk about!