Inside Medical Malpractice

Nashville 'Super Lawyer' Randy Kinnard Shares Amazing War Stories

Chris Rokosh, President Connect Medical Legal Experts Inc.

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Attorney Randy Kinnard is considered one of the best lawyers in Nashville.  He is a highly respected legal professional and a decorated Vietnam veteran who has been recognized by countless organizations for his exceptional skill in and out of the courtroom.  His secret?  An emphasis on professional competence and great respect for all.  Listen in as Randy discusses two of his most interesting cases; one of which resulted in $55 million in damages and the other, the largest medical malpractice award in the state of Tennessee.  Hear how his experiences in Vietnam left him struggling, but somehow fearless in the courtroom. And don’t miss the fantastic advice he has to offer attorneys, healthcare professionals and the general public.  One of my favorite quotes?  “Medical Malpractice is Real.”  For more medical legal education, visit our website